Belize to Panama
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Belize to Panama

The wind on Saturday was very strong out of the NNE which gave us the possibility of laying the end of Honduras 300 miles to the southeast of San Pedro, Belize. 

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No Shirt, No Shoes….No Problem
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

No Shirt, No Shoes….No Problem

…that’s the motto of Cay Caulker, a predominantly mangrove island, over 4 miles long and cut in two by a swift flowing small boat channel that leads to the Caribbean side of the island.

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The Beautiful Belize Barrier Reef
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

The Beautiful Belize Barrier Reef

Belize has three offshore atolls which offer some of the most sensational diving in the country. This morning we were up early and set sail for a day of snorkeling. The sea is the most incredible colour, different shades of blues from cobalt to light turquoise, I have never seen such clear water.

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Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts


At sunset we sailed back out of the Rio Dulce, past Livingston and out into the Caribbean en route to Belize City. The wind in this part of the Caribbean veers between NE and SE.

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30 hours in Guatemala
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

30 hours in Guatemala

We finally spotted Guatemala around 5.30am this morning and pulled into the settlement of Livingston around 8.00am. We were keen to get going as we only had a day here so got into the dinghy and went into town.

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Adios Cartagena!
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Adios Cartagena!

We are finally leaving today – everything is now in full working order and we are able to leave Ferroalquimar – I might even shed a tear at leaving all the dirt and dust behind; this shipyard now feels like my second home!

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Patience is a virtue
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Patience is a virtue

After some very frustrating days trying to get our exit papers for both the boat and ourselves, and an especially “tear your hair out” day today resulting in still one document needed.

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We’re in the water!
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

We’re in the water!

The good news is that we are finally in the water, we got lowered in yesterday morning!. The bad news is that when we tried out all the mechanics on the boat, one of the engines didn’t work, neither did the generator.

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We’re in the slings on the Travel Lift!!!
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

We’re in the slings on the Travel Lift!!!

Well, even though we had Friday in our sights for getting into the water, it didn’t quite happen – no surprises there! However…….we are now in the slings and are scheduled to “splash” first thing on Monday morning!

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Fun times at Ferroalquilmar Shipyard
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Fun times at Ferroalquilmar Shipyard

Well it’s Day 3 of the big clean-up! Slowly getting there but there has been plenty to do. We have got into a bit of a rhythm now, up early for breakfast, off to the boatyard by 7.00am and then straight into it.

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Back to business……..
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Back to business……..

Monday morning saw us up bright and early to get to the boat and start the big clean up.  So much to fix as the boat has been sitting on the hard for 2 years when Covid hit.

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Back to Bogota
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Back to Bogota

Another few hours in the car in traffic – the driving in Bogota is pretty terrifying, it’s like the dodgems at the fairground. Anyway, we finally arrived in the City centre and were staying the night with some friends.

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(Finally) Arriving in Colombia
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

(Finally) Arriving in Colombia

Three flights, one almost 12 hours, one 5 hours and one 2 hours, a nine hour layover in LA and a 5 hour layover in Miami, I’ve finally arrived in Cartagena.

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