Fun times at Ferroalquilmar Shipyard

Well it’s Day 3 of the big clean-up!  

Slowly getting there but there has been plenty to do.  We have got into a bit of a rhythm now, up early for breakfast, off to the boatyard by 7.00am and then straight into it.  We have had a succession of guys coming in – a refrigeration man to repair the freezer and fridges (very important  on such a long trip, especially our two week sail down to the Marquesas), an electrician. an engineer and his offsider, painters below putting on primer and anti-foul, a fibre class cutter to make the correct sized hole for the new navigation system, a  guy installing the new system, several guys on for engines, generator and propeller problems, a guy cleaning the topsides from the ingrained dirt, a rigger to check the rigging and service the winches, and a sailmaker to repair the 12 year old headsails,, that have already done 70,000 miles, to get us through the next leg of our trip

Working in 32 degrees inside it gets so hot and I don’t think I have sweat so much in my life, even my legs have been sweating – delightful!  At lunchtime we come back to the hotel for a shower, lunch and a quick snooze before we return for the afternoon session.  Didn’t quite go according to plan yesterday though when we came back all hot and sweaty and there was no water in the hotel!!!

 We’re nearly there though, I’ve cleaned three cabins, two bathrooms and the galley from top to bottom and inside all the cupboards and it’s starting to look really good.  Meanwhile Geoff has spent the time working and organising the various tradies – hard work as a) he doesn’t speak Spanish so communication can be a bit frustrating at times  and b) some of them have the mañana mañana attitude where they are always returning tomorrow, and let’s not talk about the guy who is painting underneath but seems to be spending a lot of time sitting in the shade under the boat next door checking out his phone!   A lot of repairs are needed as the boat has been sitting on the hard for two years and has had no power which has created a lot of problems.

 We’re nearly there though and have Friday in our sights for actually getting into the water.    Watch this space……… 


We’re in the slings on the Travel Lift!!!


Back to business……..