We’re in the slings on the Travel Lift!!!

Well, even though we had Friday in our sights for getting into the water,  it didn’t quite happen – no surprises there!   However…….we are  now in the slings and are scheduled to “splash” first thing on Monday morning!!!!!  Very exciting!

This is great news as it gives Geoff a chance to anti-foul under the keel and where the boat was sitting on  the blocks tomorrow morning and for me do a little bit more tidying up and organising inside.  The heavy duty cleaning is finished now; we just need to hose and clean the decks and as soon as we are in the water and out of all this dust, we can put the squabs onto the seats and sit down and enjoy a G&T and watch the sunset on Monday night.

 In the meantime, we have treated ourselves to a nice night  in a Historical Colonial Guesthouse in the Old Town  tonight – we have certainly earned it!!!!


The beautiful, historical, walled city of Cartagena


Fun times at Ferroalquilmar Shipyard