Tiny House in the Sky in Sasaima, Cundinmarca

So Geoff surprised me on Thursday and said he wanted me to see a bit more of Colombia before we set sail and that we were flying to Bogota for the weekend.  He had booked for us to stay at a place called Tiny Houses in the Sky in a town called Sasaima, a two hour drive out of Bogota. 

Well, the two hour drive turned into a 5 hour drive, with chaotic traffic getting out of Bogota,  and then when we got near the Andes mountains the heavens opened with monsoon like rain, mist and a windy, unlit mountain road full of huge trucks.  Our Google map kept disappearing and we missed our turning twice, we just couldn’t see anything it was so dark and wet.    Finally we got near to our destination and called the Air BnB and they sent a motorcyclist out to find us and lead us back. 

The road, if I can call it that, was unbelievable, it was just full  of rocks so we had to drive extremely slowly peering out of the windows, we missed a few but did have some nasty jolts, fortunately the rental car held up.  We arrived and were met by the owners who promptly lead us down stone steps into an estate located in a  tropical nature reserve – we had no idea where we were going, it was pouring with rain and the  pathway was like walking through a stream.  They took us to this gorgeous tiny house on stilts located by a ravine with a private natural pool in it.  We were shattered with all the stress of the drive so we just collapsed into bed listening to the rain and the gushing water.

What a surprise when we looked out next morning – the sun was shining and the most beautiful tropical gardens surrounded us with little pathways and colourful flowers.  It was magical and our tiny house was nestled right in the middle of it all.  It was so relaxing.  We walked around the estate and had a beautifully cooked breakfast in the main house before leaving back and facing the traffic to the City Centre. 


Back to Bogota


(Finally) Arriving in Colombia