So it’s been a “no” to the three C’s – No Cayman Islands, no Cuba and now no Cozumel!

Friday 8 April - Well, one of the advantages of cruising is that you can change your mind and itinerary any time you like!  And that is just what has happened. 

Instead of us sailing this afternoon and overnight, a total of 18 hours, to Cozumel, just for Geoff and I to return on the same course on Monday on our sail to Panama, we have now decided to have a complete change.  This afternoon we sailed from Caye Caulker via Ho Chan so the boys could have a final Belizean snorkel and then onto San Pedro, named after St Peter, the patron Saint of Fisherman. 

They have decided to leave tomorrow and get a ferry to Chetumal, then a taxi to the Mexican border where they will pick up a rental car and drive to Playa del Carmen for one night, then onto Cancun for their flight down to Panama.  Geoff stayed on Salanjo while I went into San Pedro with them so they could buy their ferry tickets.  It was certainly breezy out there and we got three dunkings on the dinghy before we docked!  Ferry tickets sorted, we stopped by the Anglers Bar for a few drinks and some delicious quesadillas to keep us going.  Mike went back and picked up Geoff and we had a lovely last holiday meal together at Caroline’s Cookin’ restaurant – another mouthwatering local dinner!

Saturday 9 April – Up bright and early at 5.45am and two dinghy trips with boys and bags into San Pedro where we dropped them off at the ferry terminal.  It was fun having them on board and it will feel very quiet with just the two of us for the next week.  Geoff and I also completed our Immigration and Customs papers this morning – no mean easy feat given it was Saturday and those offices are only open Monday – Friday.  However, Geoff’s powers of persuasion worked a treat, and an Immigration lady and Customs gentleman finally came in and opened both their offices to help us out. 

We are keen to head to Colon in Panama today as there is a good weather window which we want to take advantage of.  However, we have found a delectably authentic French pastry shop where I am sitting typing this and I must be honest, this is our second trip here already this morning (and we have a few delicious takeaway treats for the boat too!).

So that’s it from me for a few days, we will leave on the boat this afternoon for our sail to Colon which should be around 5 days.

I’ll be in touch with an update from Panama!


Belize to Panama


No Shirt, No Shoes….No Problem