We’re in the water!

 The  good news is that we are finally in the water, we got lowered in yesterday morning! 

The bad news is that when we tried out all the mechanics  on the boat, one of the engines didn’t work, neither did the generator,  the freezer nor  the  water-maker!  

So here we are, still at the shipyard -  we just can’t seem to  get away from this place!   We were blocking the launching slip all day whilst a swarm of engineers were trying to get everything fixed.  By 4pm the ship yard told us we had to move as they had another boat that they needed to launch before the end of the day.  So here we are, sandwiched between two old rust bucket boats, one having been impounded by the Colombian police for connections with drugs!

The mechanics finally left around 7.30pm – still not successful in getting us up and running so we are looking forward to welcoming them back today!!!!!  However, time is pushing on and our plan of leaving on Wednesday is still on the horizon if we can get everything fixed by today.  In light of this, at 7.30pm  last night we wound our way, via climbing on to the rust bucket and onto the dock on its other side, armed with our shopping bags and hit the traffic to get to a supermarket. 

We found an excellent one by 8.20pm and proceeded to whip through our  list and stock the boat for our 5 day sail.  It was 10.15pm by the time we got back to our second home (!) and proceeded to lug the 6 heavy bags through the dirty yard, onto the rust bucket, around the other side and  back on our  boat for unpacking. 

The two of us were exhausted – but it was certainly lovely to spend our  first night on Salanjo although not quite in the most salubrious of locations!

Let’s hope today brings us  good news and we can finally wave Ferroalquimar shipyard goodbye and spend a night anchored in the marina near the Old Town.


….. but we’re not going anywhere soon…….!!!!


The beautiful, historical, walled city of Cartagena