Just cruising…….
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Just cruising…….

Huahine (the authentic island), Raiatea (the sacred island), Bora Bora (pearls of the Pacific), Tahaa (the vanilla island), Maupitip[p (the nature island)

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Returning to Raiatea
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Returning to Raiatea

We arrived in Raiatea and retrieved all our baggage, Geoff ran out and flagged down the only taxi before it became a free for all.

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A (short) break from the blog!
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

A (short) break from the blog!

I am now back in Auckland catching up with my family after almost 5 months away.  I fly back to Papeete on 8 August - so watch this space!

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Ile Raiatea
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Ile Raiatea

Raiatea lies about 20 miles westward of Huahine and we have set off on the most glorious sunny  morning.  

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The making of a pearl
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

The making of a pearl

Tahitian pearl farming can produce black pearls which mean the marine cultured pearls produced from the black lip pearl oyster shell.

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The Society Islands
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

The Society Islands

The Society Islands are made up of twelve major islands divided into a Windward cluster of five and a Leeward cluster of seven islands.

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Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts


Rangiroa is Tuamotuan for “vast sky” and is the largest atoll in the Tuamotus, and one of the largest in the world, it’s 40 miles long and 17 miles wide at its widest point.

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Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts


Since October 2006, the commune of Fakarava has been classified as a Biosphere Reserve in UNESCO’s World Heritage due to its specific characteristics and its natural and cultural heritage.

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Boat life…
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Boat life…

It’s not just about G&T’s and watching sunsets on the bow!

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The Tuamotu Archipelago
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

The Tuamotu Archipelago

Home of the Puamotu people, the Tuamotu Archipelago is an enormous arc of exclusive coral atolls and lies between the Society Islands and the Marquesas Islands. 

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Fatu Hiva
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Fatu Hiva

We had some luck getting the water maker fixed and decided to head off immediately for Fatu Hiva, I loved Hiva Ora but it was definitely time to explore our last stop in the Marquesas.

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Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts


After a lovely catch up and walk with Sheryl and Mike, we said our goodbyes until we meet back at the NZYS on 30 July for the 150th Anniversary dinner.

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Hiva Oa
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Hiva Oa

We pulled into Taha uku Bay  which is in the crater of the volcano, behind the breakwater around 4pm - it’s a cute little bay and there are a number of catamarans here too.

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Strife at the Salanjo Salon!
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Strife at the Salanjo Salon!

Well needs must and in the absence of my resident Salanjo Coiffeur, Jo, I had to take matters into my own hands this morning and put on the colour myself.

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Nuku Hiva and Ua Pou
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Nuku Hiva and Ua Pou

Nuku Hiva is the administrative capital of the Marquesas Islands and the largest island in French Polynesia after Tahiti, at 330 sq kilometres.

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The Marquesas Islands
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

The Marquesas Islands

The Marquesa Islands are the most northerly territory of French Polynesia and consist of six large and six small islands.

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