French Polynesia in the South Pacific
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

French Polynesia in the South Pacific

So here we are having just arrived in French Polynesia yesterday morning.  It’s great to be on terra firma for a little while after our mammoth sail.

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Isla Isabela
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Isla Isabela

We arrived in Puerto Villamil just in time for a sunset drink and to plan our following day. Isla Isabela is the most western island of the 3 Galápagos Islands and is home to 5 active volanoes,

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Isla Santa Cruz
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Isla Santa Cruz

We arrived in Academy Bay, Puerto Ayora around 4pm and were keen to get into town to see what we could do in the short time we are here

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Gearing up for Galapagos
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Gearing up for Galapagos

The protected areas of the Galapagos Islands have such a fragile ecosystem that there are mandatory requirements for yachts and visitors to protect it.

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Next stop Bahia de Caráquez , Ecuador
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Next stop Bahia de Caráquez , Ecuador

We arrived at the river mouth of the Rio Chone in the Bahia de Caráquez late afternoon but we were at the bottom of the tide so had to wait for high water to get in and disembark.

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Enroute to the Equator and Ecuador
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Enroute to the Equator and Ecuador

We waved goodbye to Jo and Ian as they sailed past us on the ferry and after a few quick emails and facetimes, pulled up the anchor and left around 4pm for our 3 day sail to Ecuador.

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Panama’s Islas Perlas
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Panama’s Islas Perlas

We’re finally ready to leave Panama City – Geoff and I have had 4 weeks here and have loved the diversity of it all but we’re ready to move on now.  

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Provisioning (and Purple) in Panama
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Provisioning (and Purple) in Panama

As a lot of you know, cooking is never at the top of my to do list and going to the supermarket is even worse (this is what we have Woop for!)

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The Salanjo Hairdressing Salon
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

The Salanjo Hairdressing Salon

This is probably a blog that only the ladies will be interested in, and will totally understand where I’m coming from!

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Panama City – a city of contrasts!
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Panama City – a city of contrasts!

We’ve had to get various repairs done on the boat whilst it’s been in Shelter Bay Marina, and currently on the hard, so we thought we would take the opportunity of coming back into Panama City and this time experiencing its more modern side.

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When in Panama…
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

When in Panama…

I treated myself to an original Panama hat complete with box and a demonstration on how to fold it.

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