Ile Raiatea

Tuesday 19 July - Raiatea lies about 20 miles westward of Huahine and we have set off on the most glorious sunny  morning.  It’s only a few hours sail, so a nice gentle cruise.  

It’s ancient name is Havai’i Nui meaning Big Springing Water and it’s a mountainous island with spurs radiating from the central ranges to the coast forming a very indented shoreline.  Like Huahine the valleys are very fertile and it is quietly rural.  It is said to have been the first island settled and for a long period was the cultural and religious centre of the Society Islands.  Many temple altars (maraes) are found here to attest to this.  It is thought that it was from here that many of the greatest voyages of the Polynesians – to Hawaii and New Zealand – were conceived and launched.

We sailed into Faaroa Bay and we had been told that the river cruise there was a must.  So armed with a jug of pina colada and glasses, we got into the dinghy and off we went.  The Faaroa River really is beautiful, so still and silent except for birdsong, so many overhanging trees, lots of colourful hibiscus flowers floating in the water and locals almost hidden in the jungle-like foliage fishing for their dinner.  A very nice end to our day.

Wednesday 20 July – 7.15am Nick had the anchor up and off we sailed south to Motu Naonao.  It is so peaceful here, glorious clear water – cleaner than most swimming pools.  We’ve had a lovely swim out to a private motu and a walk around their beach, the boys have been on the biscuit with Nick, and Geoff and I sat on the bow after our swim, with a glass of cold wine and some delicious French pate – I feel like I am in a Travel Programme on National Geographic channel it is so idyllic!

Later on we took the dinghy into the mainland to a little hotel that we could see from the boat and Geoff treated us all to a delicious dinner – home cooked French cuisine at its finest!  It was a farewell dinner of sorts….yes dear friends, this brings my blog to a temporary halt!  I am heading back to Auckland, at the ungodly hour of 0310 on Friday morning, to catch up with my family after almost 5 months away. 

I can’t wait to see them and to have lots of cuddles and tickles with all my grandkids.  Tilly Plum is counting sleeps and 4 hours after my arrival the fun starts with a My Little Pony breakfast at the Cordis Hotel!  

However, I will be back soon – after all it is mid-Winter in New Zealand and the chance to spend another few months in the South Pacific is far too good to miss.  More cruising around Tahiti, Tonga, Vanuatu and Fiji awaits! 

I fly back to Papeete on 8 August.  Watch this space!


A (short) break from the blog!


The making of a pearl