Girdwood and more amazing Alaskan experiences!
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Girdwood and more amazing Alaskan experiences!

So we got cut loose by Viking this morning when we got dropped off by coach at Anchorage Airport where we had booked a rental car, so we are now having to fend and think for ourselves again!!!!  

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Seward – our final cruise stop!
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Seward – our final cruise stop!

Sadly, our last port on what has been an incredible 10-day cruise.   In previous blogs I have alluded to William H Seward, President Abraham Lincoln’s Secretary of State who purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867, and we are now in the city named after him. 

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Skagway – famous for the Klondike Gold Rush
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Skagway – famous for the Klondike Gold Rush

What a day we have had today.  We arrived here around 8.00am this morning, beautiful sunshine and surrounded by snow-capped mountains.  Skagway is set in a stunning glacial valley and built on the economic shoulders of the bustling mining industry that once thrived here. 

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Juneau – the Capital City of the US State of Alaska
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Juneau – the Capital City of the US State of Alaska

Juneau, nestled at the base of Mt Juneau, was named the capital city of the State of Alaska in 1906 and has a population of around 33,000 people.  It is the only capital of the continental US that is not connected by road to the rest of North America

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Scenic Sitka
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Scenic Sitka

Sitka is the only town in Southeast Alaska that faces the Gulf of Alaska and has long been inhabited by the Tlingit people.

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Alaska’s Inside Passage
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Alaska’s Inside Passage

We left Vancouver last night on a very lovely, sunny evening – made even more celebratory because we were joined by good friends Jo and Earl, who left Auckland a few days after us.

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‘Bye ‘bye Vancouver
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

‘Bye ‘bye Vancouver

A cheeky Bellini to celebrate our departure from Vancouver on our Viking Orion Cruise to Alaska and the Inside Passage

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The verdant tropical Island of Kaua’i
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

The verdant tropical Island of Kaua’i

We’re off to the island of Kaua’i today – so back to Honolulu airport we went, dropped off the Mustang and checked in for our Hawaiian Airlines flight to Lihue. 

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Aloha Hawai’i!
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Aloha Hawai’i!

Welcome back everyone!  It’s been a while but I’m now back with more adventures to share with you.  I’ve just left Auckland for another amazing holiday and I’m looking forward to posting stories and photographs so you can see what I have been up to and join me on my travels.

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Rome and the final leg
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Rome and the final leg

We left Procida and took the ferry into Naples, a tasty couple of pastries and coffee at the station and then we were on the high speed Italo train which went to Genoa, with a first stop Rome, only an hour at those speeds

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Our return to Procida and goodbye to the Gulf of Naples
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Our return to Procida and goodbye to the Gulf of Naples

We had a lovely sail back to Procida today, the water was blue and calm and we enjoyed sailing back past Ventotene, all around the islands of both Ischia and Procida, stopping enroute for Geoff to have a swim whilst holding onto a rope – last thing I wanted was for the boat to drift too far without him on it!!!

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Picturesque Ponza
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Picturesque Ponza

Looking so pretty as we sailed into the harbour in the late afternoon sun, the family have a very special connection to this island. Clarissa’s family own a delightful little house in Ponza and she spent all her childhood summer holidays here,

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Reunited in Rome!
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Reunited in Rome!

We’re here and staying in a delightful little apartment belonging to Clarissa’s Mum, Patty’s, friend which is in a great location, near to their apartment in the centre of Rome.   A lovely reunion with Stella and Chloe from the school bus and a wonderful family dinner to signal the start of the last leg of our Italian holiday

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The Italian Roadtrip continues….. Castiglione del Lago
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

The Italian Roadtrip continues….. Castiglione del Lago

We’re now on a little road trip heading towards Rome, to arrive on Thursday. Cristiano once again came to our aid and drove us back to the carpark with all our gear, and also his admiration for us travelling for months’ with so much luggage!

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Bologna - “La Dotta, la Grassa, la Rossa”
Rowena Roberts Rowena Roberts

Bologna - “La Dotta, la Grassa, la Rossa”

Less than a three hour drive from Milan the road to Bologna was empty and straight, and very easy….until we looked at the instructions from our Air BnB host and noticed that you are not allowed to drive your car into the centre of this medieval city! 

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