Introducing: Ro Your Boat

Well, it’s almost time to leave this beautiful New Zealand summer behind and move on to even more sunnier climes! 

First stop – Cartagena, Columbia to catch up with Geoff and help ready his catamaran for a huge adventure.  We’ll be sailing to Belize, Honduras, the Yucatan Peninsula Mexico, Cuba, Cayman Islands, through the Panama Canal, up to the west coast of Costa Rica, down to the Galapagos Islands, through the Pacific Ocean to the Marquesas, the Tuamotus and Tahiti in French Polynesia.  Then on to Tonga, Fiji and Vanuatu before finally arriving back in New Zealand. 

All being well, I will catch a flight back from Tahiti for a quick trip to catch up with my family before heading back to the boat again.  Well, why wouldn’t I…….it’ll be Winter here and who wouldn’t want to be cruising around the South Pacific in glorious weather!  Yeah, I know, it’s a tough gig but now that I have given up work and am a lady of leisure, I finally have the luxury of time - and what a way to spend it!

 So many of my friends have asked me to stay connected so I thought it might be nice to do a blog, that way I can also add photographs and keep a diary of the trip for myself.  Obviously, it’ll be sporadic as it will depend on when I have internet access to send it, and it won’t arrive in your in-box, you will have to come here to find out if there’s any updates!

Ro x


(Finally) Arriving in Colombia