It’s ‘bye ‘bye UK and hello Italy….

Monday 24 June

A lovely easy day today after our very full-on weekend.  The weather in the UK is unbelievable, it’s gone from rain everyday for weeks to glorious, hot sunshine, so it was a chance to do laundry, have a sit in the garden and enjoy a lovely dinner out with Julie’s daughter Laura, her husband Dan and their two delightful children, Grace and Harry, along with Sandie, a relative of Dan’s and keen rugby fan whom I first met with her husband Andy when they were in New Zealand for the British & Irish Lions Tour in 2017.

Tuesday 25 June

Got scalped in the hairdressers this morning, I know I needed a haircut, but he went a bit crazy – the good news is that I am in hot weather places now until I arrive back in New Zealand so it will be much easier to manage…and I have a hat to hide it!!!  Spent the afternoon repacking my suitcases ready to leave tomorrow.  My final night here and a lovely one it was too – Laura and Dan invited Julie and myself over for a delicious BBQ which we enjoyed sitting in the garden on a very balmy summer’s night.

Wednesday 26 June

And it’s farewell to the UK this morning and Buon pomeriggio Roma!  Yes – I’m back in Italy with my gorgeous two granddaughters, Stella and Chloe and their Mum, Clarissa.  I haven’t seen them since last July so we have a lot to catch up on over the coming days!  Stella and Clari were waiting for me when I arrived at their apartment and we spent a lovely few hours chatting away.  Stella already finished school after her exams and today was the last official day of the school year and Chloe had been invited to a pool party to celebrate, so didn’t arrive home until early evening.  A lovely dinner together whilst we looked at their school year book and then it was off to bed.  We have a lot planned for the next two weeks!

Thursday 27 June

A leisurely day today, Stella, Chloe and I had a walk around the area near their apartment which is located on a small, cobbled street in central Rome, so every corner reveals an amazing sight of ancient Rome!  I couldn’t resist visiting my favourite leather handbag shops and managed four of them!!!  We had a lovely lunch sitting outside in the sunshine and then, given it was 30+ degrees, decided to head back home for some shade.  Stella and Chloe’s grandparents came over to visit us and Stella prepared us all an absolutely delicious 3 course dinner – a wonderful Italian family evening.

Friday 28 June

All packed up and guess where we’re heading……yes…back to the Airport!  I’m taking Stella and Chloe away for a week – all to be revealed in the next blog!


Gone are the glamorous days of travel!


Ceud Mìle Fàilte – the Gaelic term for “One hundred thousand welcomes”- and we certainly were!