
This has been the most wonderful 9-month Odyssey for me. 

Never in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined myself doing such a trip, swimming pools and seas terrified me, I could just about swim, but would never put my head underwater, I was scared of the 40-minute Waiheke Ferry and if I had to go on it, would be checking the weather days before.  

I have been so far out of my comfort zone at times that it’s been quietly terrifying for me, but thankfully, apart from a wobble on the wharf leaving Belize and having to go through a reef that the Coastguard had advised no boats to do that night, I did not let Geoff see it.  After all the last thing he needed in times of pressure was a wimp next to him to have to cope with!  It was good for me too, to just bite my lip and get on with it.  Fortunately, there were not too many scary parts to contend with.  

I’ve done things I never would have thought possible for me, sailed 8,000+ kilometres in a 14m catamaran, managed 18 nights straight across the Pacific Ocean, and plenty of other 5+ nights at sea, experienced new countries and customs, sailed through the Panama Canal, met some wonderful new people, made new friends, entertained Geoff’s family and friends who have joined us for holidays, done loads of local sightseeing everywhere we’ve been, experienced countries like I never have before– meeting and eating with locals and had a wonderful personal kava ceremony, eaten different cuisines, enjoyed plenty of sundowners!  It has been absolutely incredible and 9 months of my life that I will never forget. 

A very special thanks to Geoff who has encouraged me in just so many things; with a lot of patience, he has taught me some sailing techniques, how to snorkel and not to be scared of the water, tried to teach me to focus and not stress too much, shown me how to relax and have fun, how to make a decent G&T, and above all, made this the adventure of my life.  I have the most incredible memories to look back on.  I’m thankful I have done this blog as it will be wonderful to look back on and reminisce.  I’m also thankful I made it like a diary given my memory these days;  good to have a record of the dates we were in the various locations! 

Thanks to my family and friends who have been in touch with wonderful messages, and especially my kids for all their positive encouragement before I left in March, and all the worrying they did about me when we were sailing on open waters, especially around Honduras where we turned off the AIS for a few days so pirates couldn't track us!  Thank you also to my personal IT Consultant, Dan, who, due to my very poor IT skills, has kindly posted my blog and photographs all along this trip.  Thank you, dear friends, for sharing my blog with me, it’s rewarding to know you have all enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. 

Finally, a very special thanks to Yvonne, without whom, for me, none of this amazing trip would ever have happened.  


A short, but very sweet, stop in Singapore


The home run: Fiji – New Zealand – 1100 miles