Napier – the “Art Deco Capital of the World”!

Wednesday 12 March

An early start to my day for my return to Napier – I waved goodbye to my lovely granddaughter Tilly, as she got on her school bus at 7.15am, and then I was straight into an Uber and off to see my very helpful hairdresser, Amanda and her very helpful husband, who agreed to get their son off to school so Amanda could open up her home salon for me at 8.15am and sort out the mess sitting on top of my head!!  Fortunately, Amanda lives en route to Auckland Airport, so it was a perfect use of the precious 3 hours before my flight!  I think I was the most glamorous person boarding NZ 5027 to Napier with my newly cut and coloured locks!

During my unexpected visit back to Auckland, there was an excellent weather window for the Nelson departure and Geoff decided to take advantage of it and get the boat over Cook Strait.  His son, Mike, had agreed to fly to Nelson to accompany him over, but then they realised that the first flight into Nelson on Monday morning (10th) would not allow Geoff enough time to sail the boat and get through French Pass at the right time for the tides, so there was nothing for it…Geoff departed on Monday 10th and sailed solo over to Wellington, a long day for him, he left at 5.45am and arrived in Wellington’s Worser Bay at 6.00pm where Mike was eagerly awaiting him.  A quick pick up in the dinghy and they were off – destination Napier Sailing Club, and a very late arrival at 11.00pm on Tuesday night with two very tired sailors.  Have a look at the photo Mike took from the plane window as he came into Wellington, if you enlarge it, you can just see a tiny Salanjo on her way into the Bay!

So back to my Wednesday arrival - Geoff and Mike had gone into Napier town centre to have a look around so I hopped in a taxi at the airport and met them at the beautiful art deco Masonic Hotel where we took the opportunity to relax in their very elegantly designed Guest Bar and have a drink.  For you readers outside of New Zealand, Napier, in the Hawkes Bay region, suffered a devastating earthquake in 1931 and was rebuilt in the Art Deco style of the time.  I visit Hawkes Bay often as my son Dan lives here and I love this town with its awesome art deco buildings and never tire of wandering around its delightful shops – my favourite being the Napier Antique and Jewellery Shop on Tennyson Street, a fabulous place to go treasure hunting – last year I found 4 old vinyl LP’s that my Dad was featured on, along with some beautiful purple-flowered china tea-cups and saucers.  What a bonus today – Geoff spied the most delicious purple, sequined and fringed, Flapper dress which he insisted I try on – and it looked bloody gorgeous, right up my alley!  So, after a bit of posing with a hat as well – he treated me to it – I love this shop!   

And then it was back to Napier Sailing Club and on to Salanjo, looking very sleek moored up next to the main building.  We have some VIP guests joining us for dinner tonight, so time to spruce up the boat and get ready for them.   What a fun evening we had, my son Dan and his wife Jane, and my two little grandsons Bart and Rupert arrived, they live in Havelock North a 20-minute drive away, and came armed with all sorts of treats along with our fish and chip dinner.  So much fun with the little guys who were beside themselves with excitement.  Dinner over, Geoff launched the dinghy and treated them both to a ride around the marina which they loved, followed by a bounce around on the trampolines on the bow before they left to go to home. 

Reluctant to call it a night so early, we headed out and walked in the early evening sunshine to the Gin Trap on West Quay and had…yep, you guessed it, a couple of fancy gin cocktails!

Thursday 13 March

A quiet morning for Geoff getting on with some admin and me doing a bit of a Sadie the Cleaning Lady on the boat, followed by a walk around the Ahuriri area around the Marina which is really cool  – West Quay and Nelson Quay are dotted with old buildings, now refurbished and housing bars, restaurants and design shops and even a very cute Four Square for me to top up on a few groceries, probably a few too many because by the time I came out, I realised that it would break my back (and the shopping bag handles) if I walked all the way back to the marina, so I called Geoff and he whipped up the waterway in the dinghy and picked me up.  Good job too, the handles of the bag broke as we were getting it out of the dinghy!  Phew!  Jane had recommended Madame Social, an Asian Fusion restaurant, for dinner and we were lucky enough to get an early table!  What a great place – it’s only been open about 6 months and has the most beautiful, elegant fit out, delicious food, great music – and even colour-co-ordinated cocktails!  Another great two days in another very special part of New Zealand!

Friday 14 March

7.00am in a stunning sunrise, we cruised out of the harbour and are now headed for Hicks Bay – should be arriving around 3.00am on Saturday morning!



We had to call the Coastguard - twice!


Water Taxis, Planes and Automobiles…..